
12 things Everyone Should Know About Paul Ryan

1. Ryan embraces the extreme philosophy of Ayn Rand.

More on Ayn Rand

2. Ryan wants to raises taxes on the middle class, cut them for millionaires.

3. Ryan wants to end Medicare, replace it with a voucher system.

4. Ryan thinks Social Security is a “ponzi scheme.”

5. Ryan’s budget would result in 4.1 million lost jobs in 2 years.

6. Ryan wants to eliminate Pell Grants for more more than 1 million students.

7. Ryan supports $40 billion in subsides for big oil.

8. Ryan has ownership stakes in companies that benefit from oil subsidies .

9. Ryan claimed Romneycare has led to “rationing and benefit cuts.”

10. Ryan believes that Romneycare is “not that dissimilar to Obamacare.”

11. Ryan accused generals of lying about their support for Obama’s military budget.

12. Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment, an extreme anti-abortion measure.

