
Joke of the Year

Three Republicans are walking on the beach. The lead Republican trips over a lamp. He picks it up and dusts it off. Smoke appears and a genie pops out and says “I grant you three wishes.” The first Republican whips out his gun, twirls it and shoots it in the air. He said. “I’ve been in politics now for twenty years. I have so much knowledge and now I want to become extremely educated on government issues I couldn’t see before. I wish I was 100 times smarter than I am now.” The genie points his finger and POOF! the man is 100 times smarter than before. The second Republican whips out his gun, twirls it and points it in the air and fires off a shot. He says to the genie “You know what? I’ve been in politics now for thirty years and I have so much knowledge to give. I wish I was a 1000 times smarter than the man in front of me.” The genie points his finger and POOF! the man is 1000 times smarter than the Republican in front of him. The last man is standing there thinkin’ for a minute. He whips out his gun, twirls it and points it in the air and fires off a shot. He says to the genie “You know what? I’ve been in politics now for forty years and I have so much knowledge than both of them combined. For the final wish I want to be 10,000 times smarter than the Republican in front of me!!!” The genie cocks back his finger and shoots him with a glorious ray of light and POOF! the man turns into a Democrat.

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Tricky Ricky

Tricky Ricky