
Idiom Page

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Idiom of the week

Get away with murder: an individual is said to get away with murder when they take actions that are unacceptable, act incorrectly or don’t perform in the workplace without retribution or punishment. People that get away with murder typically do not face any negative consequences.

Larry always cheated on his tests and got away with murder by never getting caught.

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Idiom of the week

Hard pressed: burdened, stressed, or under considerable pressure; the situation or matter at and is typically urgent:

Joe was hard-pressed for time as he had only three days remaining until he must submit his financial report to management.

We are so hard-pressed this year because of the financial condition.

In this sentence, one does not need to utilize the word “so” in ordered the stress “hard-pressed.” The phrase itself emphasizes the circumstances without additional aids.

Idiom of the week

Jazz up: to make improvements and/or enhancements to someone or an object; many times this idiom is utilized in the past tense such as jazzed up;

Gary really jazzed up the restaurant with the renovation.

Ralph scanned, from Paul from head to toe as he approached. “Wow,” He barked. Those threads you’re wearing must really jazz up your wardrobe.”

Idiom of the week-2-4-2012

King’s ransom: A substantial amount of money.

Nowadays, auto insurance cost as much as a king’s ransom

Idiom of the week-2-13-2012

 Last Resort: when all other efforts to obtain an end have failed, you might take one last action as the last resort. You are desperate and nothing has worked to solve a dilemma and therefore you make one final attempt as a last resort. This term dates back to the 16th century and originally referred to a court of law from which there was no appeal.

Idiom of the week-2-27=2012

Yakety-yak: a person that talks continually about nothing or gibberish.

Kathy can yakety-yak for hours without coming up for a breath of air.

Idiom of the week- 4-4-2012

Come home to roost: When someone makes evil or negative statements or takes similar actions, and as a result of same they are negatively impacted, then the chickens have come home to roost.

       Charlie complained incessantly about other employees to everyone who would listen. The other day, he was fired for being disruptive so his actions have come home to roost.

      Origin: this phrase has its origin in the 19th century when used as a motto on the title page of Robert Southey’s poem The Curse of Kehama, 1810:

“Curses are like young chicken: they always come home to roost.”

Idiom of the week-4-13-2012

 Dog it: performing or doing something less than necessary or required to complete an assignment, job or other task; someone who shrieks responsibility or is lazy; (2) sometimes utilized to indicate, “let’s move on or get out of here.”

Charlie always dogs it and keeps the rest of us working longer than necessary to pick up the slack.

(2) Let’s dog it out of here before a riot erupts.

       Origin: The first appeared in the 1920s as a description denoting “leaving in a cowardly fashion.” The current and most common utilization of the phrase has its roots in the 1930s.

The phrase or idiom, “put on the dog,” has the same meaning or interpretation.

Idiom of the week-5-24-2012

Nook and cranny:

This phrase is typically utilized to indicate a search of every possible location for an item has been conducted.

Tom and I searched every nook and cranny of the house but could not find the prescription.

Origin:  nook is from a Scottish term noting an interior angle formed by two meeting walls (2) secluded or sheltered place or part (3) a small often recessed section of a larger room

                    Cranny is defined as definition- a small break or slit: crevice (2) an obscure nook or corner.  The individual words in this phrase are rarely used separately. As individual words, nook and cranny date back to the 13th and 14th century respectively. The words were first Jews together, as an idiomatic phrase in 1836.


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