

Blackout Intoxication-Drunk  also- see sex

Alcohol blocks the brain’s ability to take salient short term memories and move them into long term storage.

An intoxicated person can maintain a conversation as per normal (Where the flow of the conversation rarely demands that you recall facts for more than a few minutes) but if asked to recall events of an hour before, or the night before, the intoxicated person would have much more trouble. OUT

There is no evidence that people who experience blackouts are at any increased risk to develop an alcohol addiction.

The faster you drink, and the faster your blood alcohol level rises, the more likely you are to experience a blackout.

Blackout drinking does not necessarily cause people to lose consciousness or “pass out.”

Many people do lose consciousness at the tail end of a period of blackout drinking, but it is possible to do plenty of damage while still conscious.

The term blackout is often confused with passing out, which does constitute a change in consciousness, however almost all blackouts have a period of consciousness.People who suffer memory loss don’t always do so because they drink more than others-certain brains are just prone to losing memories when under the influence,according to a new study using MRI brain scanners.

The more you are an experienced drinker, the longer you will remain conscious during blackouts.

Ninety-three percent of women who experienced ten or more conscious blackouts, have engaged in participatory sex.

The Brain –

The average adult brain weighs just under 3 pounds (between 1.3 and 1.4 kilograms).

“We do know from archaeological data that pretty much everywhere we can measure — Europe, China, South Africa, Australia — that brains have shrunk about 9 cubic inches (150 cubic centimeters), from an average of about 82 in3 (1,350 cm3).

Whatever the reason, brain size doesn’t directly correlate with intellect.

The modern brain is an energy hog. The organ accounts for about 2 percent of body weight, but it uses about 20 percent of the oxygen in our blood and 25 percent of the glucose (sugars) circulating in our bloodstream, according to the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. LINK

Parents of stubborn teenagers rejoice, or at least relax: That adolescent attitude stems, in part, from the vagaries of brain development. The gray matter of the brain peaks just before puberty and is pruned back down throughout adolescence, with some of the most dramatic development happening in the frontal lobes, the seat of judgment and decision-making.

Scientific wisdom once held that once you hit adulthood, your brain lost all ability to form new neural connections. This ability, called plasticity, was thought to be confined to infancy and childhood. Wrong. A 2007 study on a stroke patient found that her brain had adapted to the damage to nerves carrying visual information by pulling similar information from other nerves. This followed several studies showing that adult mice could form new neurons. Later studies found more evidence of human neurons making new connections into adulthood; meanwhile, research on meditation showed that intense mental training can change both the structure and function of the brain.

Popular culture tells us that women and men’s brains are just different. It’s true that male and female hormones affect brain development differently, and imaging studies have found brain differences in the ways women and men feel pain, make social decisions and cope with stress. The extent to which these differences are genetic versus shaped by experience — the old nature-versus-nurture debate — is unknown.

For the most part, male and female brains (and brainpower) are similar.


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