
Eight things you should know about electric cars

nissanleaf_0Sometime in the next few weeks, the 100,000th plug-in electric car will be sold in the U.S.

But they’re still mostly a mystery to the average new-car buyer, and there are a few key principles that get shared over and over again.

Here they are, boiled down for easy consumption: eight things you need to know about electric cars.

1. Electric cars cost more to buy than gasoline cars of the same size.

The least expensive plug-in electric car on the market, the 2013 Smart ForTwo Electric Drive, costs twice as much as the entry-level gasoline ForTwo.


So; What is the World’s Most Powerful Weed?

Across the country, from legal 21-and-over Denver dispensaries to black-market NYC delivery services, steeply priced strains of “killer bud”—so thick with tricome crystals they shimmer like snow-covered pine trees—are readily available.


I’ll do Anything to make a Buck- Naked Maid, did you say service?

Naked Maid Service: Business is really taking off for one New Orleans cleaning service

Read more: NUDE

How to behave at a sushi restaurant


If you’ve ever found yourself at the counter of a sushi restaurant, nervously watching and copying other customers around you, don’t worry; you’re not alone. It turns out that even Japanese people aren’t too sure of themselves when it comes to dining with sushi. JAPANTODAY

Bored? This Game Will Fix That


Guys Like This Could Kill Google Glass Before It Ever Gets Off the Ground

The Segway. The Bluetooth headset. The pocket protector.

What do these three technologies have in common? They all pretty much work as promised. They all seem like good ideas on paper. And they’re all too dorky to live.

Now, far be it from me to claim that nerdiness equals lack of popularity potential. But I contend that dorkiness and nerdiness are two different qualities. While nerdiness implies a certain social awkwardness that’s ultimately endearing, dorkiness connotes social obliviousness that opens you to deserved ridicule.

Google Glass

Things You Shouldn’t Text When You’re Accused of Bombing Boston: ‘LOL’

Is it stupidity or I wasn’t just they can at the time?

Weight until you jump on the Google Glass bandwagon

Currently, Google glass is wrought with problems. Our advice; wait until the problems shake out.


The Broken Glass

Walmart: The American disgrace

Although I have boycotted Walmart for nearly a year, when visiting my condo in West Palm Beach last week, I reluctantly went there to shop with my cousin. The visit seem to substantiate my feelings and opinion on the enterprise. None of the shopping carts work properly and there were S several spewed throughout the parking lot which was covered in litter and trash.  My cousin was looking for a Bluetooth and only one person was working in the relevant department. She was being harassed by several needy customers who were becoming frustrated. After 20 minutes we left to get wine that was on sale in the grocery department. But after standing in line for nearly 10 minutes, we left the wine on a shelf with several other products that people appear to have randomly placed there. How does this organization have such a large profit and stay in business? How can we forget; They pay their people poverty wages.

The American disgrace

What are the Highest Paying Jobs?

Technical jobs substantially lead the way for the highest paid categories for recent college graduates. And there is no reason to believe this is going to change anytime in the near future. So, can anyone say “Engineering,”

Big Money