Indivisible America-USA — This group follows the principles of the “Indivisible,” movement to resist Trump and his hateful and fascist policies. The group is not intended to represent a single state or area but instead is open to anyone who wants to participate in an open dialogue and formulate a policy that will bring the progressive movement back to power within the Congress in 2018. We are open to all suggestions and comments and you should feel free to post. Feel free to join even if you are a member of a local group or organization. 5 Star Group
Indivisible Individuals: The Counter Trump Movement– Resist Trump’s agenda.
We believe Trump’s agenda is racist, authoritarian, and corrupt, and it must be stopped.
Focus on local, defensive congressional advocacy. We demand that our own local Members of Congress serve as our voice in Washington, DC.
A letter to America from Leslie Knope, regarding Donald Trump — Dear America,
Amidst the confusion, and despair, and disbelief, it was suggested to me by a very close friend of mine (I won’t say her name to protect her identity) (Ann. It was Ann) that perhaps a few people would enjoy hearing my thoughts on this election. So I sat down at my computer, cleared my head, and opened a document.
Progressive Army Against Trump and Republicans —American’s against the republican party.