
Tennessee-Indivisible-Chapters and Groups

Contact our Facebook page to add your group or to update information. Like the page and send us photos of your activities. And be sure to create a web page. Make is easy to communicate with each other and display highlights.

Lady Liberty Crying

Americans United for Separation of Church and State – Nashville Chapter  — Basic to our American heritage is the concept that religious groups must be independent and not reliant upon government. Citizens must not be taxed for religion. It is not the purpose of government to promote any religion or group of religions, nor may government favor religion over disbelief.

Chattanooga News & Review (CNR)   –-An independent press is critical to defending freedom and democracy. An independent media must be as participatory as the democracy. This is news by you. Feel free to add links to stories, write your own stories, add your photos, humor and art, etc!

Coffee Party USA – Nashville, TN   —  The Coffee Party Movement gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will–

Common sense   —

Indivisible Chattanooga  —  A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA. Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.
We will create action prompts and easy to follow basic scripts.

East Nashville Indivisible  — East Nashville Indivisible meets at 7:30pm-9:00pm the first Wednesday of every month at 625 Main Street in the Center 615 Bricks building in East Nashville. Enter through the back entrance.

Green Party of Shelby County  — We are people in Shelby County who demand a government that represents everyone and serves the common good, from local offices to national elections.

Hamilton County Progressive Alliance  — We are transforming our community into a place where citizens, not special interests get people elected, and decide policy and laws.

 Indivisible East Tennessee  —  Resisting the Trump Agenda in Tennessee’s 2nd Congressional District: Knox, Blount, Loudon, Grainger, Claiborne & parts of Jefferson and Campbell Countie

Indivisible Jackson  — Indivisible Jackson is pursuing the Indivisible strategy to resist Trump’s agenda; focus on local, defensive congressional advocacy; and embrace progressive values.

Indivisible Kingston Springs  — We object to the trump agenda and follow the Indivisible Guide.com suggestions, contacting our lawmakers and participating in patriotic democracy.

Indivisible Knoxville  — 

Indivisible Memphis  —-We’re spending the next four years resisting President-Elect Trump and his administration through grassroots outreach and organizing.

Indivisible Middle Tennessee  — We stand for the well-being of all Tennesseans and against any governmental action that threatens that well-being. Life, liberty and health for all.
 Indivisible TN-3  —-We are one of Tennessee’s District 3 Indivisible groups, part of a grassroots effort to oppose Donald Trump’s damaging agenda. Visit our website to join.
Indivisible TN Fourth Congressional District  — Resist the Trump agenda by uniting progressive people in Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District.
Indivisible TN District 6  — Resisting the Trump agenda by targeting locally and often Rep Diane Black and our two Senators.
Indivisible TN 7  —  Brentwood

McMinn Indivisible  — Progressives are outnumbered in McMinn County. In the past, we have not clearly expressed our values to the people in our county.

Nashville Indivisible  —– Private group for Indivisible Middle Tennessee Action.

Nashville Organizing & Action  — This group was formed to take action on the issues that we all care about. As a collective, we are willing to cross “issue lines” to help each other fight for the issues we care about. Together we are stronger!
Political Nation  —  Cleveland
  Rutherford Indivisible  — Rutherford Indivisible is an action group for progressives in Rutherford County, TN. We show our ultra-conservative officials that the people have power

Sewanee Organize and Act  — Sewanee Organize and Act Guiding Principles:
1. We are opposed to an agenda that will take America backwards; we are here to champion progressive values—

Shining City Movement  —  Keeping America great by insuring a Trump Administration does no permanent damage.

Southern Women for Civil Rights  —We were angry, frustrated, done talking about the problems and ready to work toward the solutions. Conversations started flying – over texts, over phone calls, and then eventually, person to person over wine and extra dirty gin martinis. What came about was the inescapable urge to DO something more than to just get on a bus and participate in one protest. However big and epic that one protest is going to be, we realized that it was not enough.

Sumner County Democratic Party  — Democrats: Party of the People, by the People, for the People
   — The Democratic Party of the United States is comprised of National, State and County level Committees. At the National level, there is The Democratic National Committee, (DNC). At the State level, there are Committees in 50 states and Guam, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa. At the local level, there are thousands of County Democratic Committees throughout the US.

Therapists against Discrimination TN  —  This is a group where we can exchange ideas about how to advocate against the Tennessee discriminatory counseling bills. These bills hurt our clients and hurt our profession.

Together We Will West Tennessee  —

Women United Tennessee  — We stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families, for the citizens Tennessee & the entire nation.