
How to make protest signs quickly and on the cheap

How to make protest signs quickly and on the cheap

Materials (to make 100 signs): * Posterboard, 22″ x 28″ (to be cut down to 22″ x 17″) – $30 for 100 * Spray adhesive (or wheat paste) – $10 * Paintbrushes – $5 * Blue paint (watered down so it is very light when applied; about 1 tbsp of

The Trump Circus | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


Bill Maher, HBO host of Real Time, on Friday called Russia’s influence in the 2016 election “the worst political scandal in American history.”

“OK. Let’s talk the Russians. I do feel an obligation … to put the facts ahead of the entertainment. I always try to get both in. But I feel like our country is hanging by a thread right now,” the “Real Time” host said on his show.

“Stop looking at the distractions and the clown show, and look at what matters. Which is, I would say, this is the worst political scandal in American history, and it’s not going away.

“The crime is treason. The crime is colluding with Russia to fix an American election!”

The Trump Circus | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B Bill reacts to another chaotic week for the White House in his Real Time monologue. Connect with Real Time Online: Find Real Time on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maher Find Real Time on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealTimers Find Real Time with Bill Maher Official Site: http://itsh.bo/HttKcM.


DeVos Says Trump’s Forty-Per-Cent Approval Rating Means More Than Half of Country Supports Him

WASHINGTON ( The Borowitz Report )-An exuberant Betsy DeVos said on Monday that Donald J. Trump’s forty-per-cent approval rating is a “clear indication” that more than half the country agrees with the job he is doing. “I was so excited to see the President’s approval rating hit forty,” DeVos, the Secretary of Education, told reporters.

Trade Punishment for Trump Voters

Trade Punishment for Trump Voters

President Trump meets with Shinzo Abe on Friday, and one subject is sure to be trade. The Japanese Prime Minister may be too diplomatic to say it, but someone should tell Mr. Trump the damage that his trade policies are already doing to the rural and farm-state voters who put him in the White House.

Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says

Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says

By David Filipov and Andrew Roth, The Washington Post MOSCOW – Russian government officials had contacts with members of Donald Trump’s campaign team, a senior Russian diplomat said Thursday, in a disclosure that could reopen scrutiny over the Kremlin’s role in the president-elect’s bitter race against Hillary Clinton.

Andrew Sullivan says journalists should be talking about Trump’s mental health

Andrew Sullivan says journalists should be talking about Trump’s mental health

“To have such an unstable figure, incapable of accepting reality, at the center of the world, is an extremely dangerous thing,” Sullivan said in an interview for Sunday’s “Reliable Sources” on CNN. Sullivan’s view is that the president is exhibiting “bonkers” behavior — and that if they tip toe around it, journalists are doing the public a disservice.

The Fates of 5 Men Connected to the Trump-Russia Dossier

The Fates of 5 Men Connected to the Trump-Russia Dossier

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The top Senate Republican had a defiant response to intelligence on Russia’s alleged involvement in the election

The top Senate Republican had a defiant response to intelligence on Russia’s alleged involvement in the election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell raised doubts about intelligence pointing to Russia trying to help President-elect Donald Trump win the election. In a confidential briefing, McConnell reportedly expressed doubt about intelligence findings that Russia aided efforts to boost Trump, ostensibly by promoting hacked emails and documents that were damaging to the Democratic Party and its nominee, Hillary Clinton.

28 Signs From Trump Protests That Will Make You Laugh Harder Than You Should

28 Signs From Trump Protests That Will Make You Laugh Harder Than You Should

If there’s one thing Americans do better than anyone it’s protest signs.

The Alt-Majority: How Social Networks Empowered Mass Protests Against Trump

The Alt-Majority: How Social Networks Empowered Mass Protests Against Trump

A similar story unfolded the weekend before. In his inaugural address Mr. Trump claimed the mantle of popular will. The next day, a far larger illustration of popular will was on display at marches across the country. The people who gathered for the women’s march hijacked the media narrative.