
Ten Great Party Tricks

Ten Great Party Tricks

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David Smith-Hallandale Beach Blog= Liar

David Smith of the Hallandale Beach Blog is a Liar. Being in public office for 30 years, almost everyone will tell you they become somewhat immune to the personal attacks, criticisms and negative public comments about them.  In other words, you need to be thick skinned if you intend to remain in public office.

David Smith writes a blog, for the most part about the City of Hallandale Beach Florida. This post, is a simple and limited response to some comments he made about me and other parties.  I’m not going to provide a link to his blog and thought long hard before responding, as I do not desire to provide him any more recognition.

Smith hides behind his computer in a trailer where he lives with his father. His sole purpose in life is to better the elected officials and employees, for the city of Hallandale Beach Florida, save for Commissioner Keith London.  Figuratively speaking, it’s obvious that he and Keith London are in bed.

National Debt

US Federal debt increases by U.S Presidents:

Reagan 186%

Bush I    54%

Clinton   41%

Bush II   72%

Obama   23%

Source: Congressional Budget Office

Rick Perry-A History-Array of links and other resources-Page-2

Abstinence curriculum in public schools
Employment and job creation
Execution of a likely innocent man
Finance and Budget
Immigration policy
August 10, 2010- Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes–StuffedSuits
August 20, 2010- opinion on why to vote for Bill White, Rick Perry’s gubernatorial opponent in 2010.
“August 11, 2011-Texas Gov Rick Perry ‘Bush without the brains set to run for President”-  IrishCentral
Presidential campaign
August 29, 2011- New CNN Poll: Perry sits atop GOP field- CNN Politics
Sixteenth and Seventeenth constitutional amendments-see Social Security-Medicare
Social Security-Medicare-
August 12, 2011- Rick Perry says Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional- ThinkProgress.org
August 24, 2011-Rick Perry says there’s not going to be a Social Security and Medicare program-DailyKos
Seceding from the union
August 2011Briefs: Democrats highlight another secession comment-Dallas Morning News
Teacher Life Insurance Scheme

Rick Perry-The Real Rick-Part 2-Job Creation-Employment-

Just what are the facts regarding the history of Rick Perry’s ability to create record and maintain a stable employment rate.  Are his campaign speeches, chest beating and rhetoric pertaining to job creation and his employment record factual?  The short answer is, no. There is a tinge of truth to some of what he says but in the end, without the stimulus most of the researchers presenting information on this subject will tell will tell you his unemployment rate would be higher and job creation numbers lower.

June 16, 2011- Joshua Holland has wrote one of the better articles about Rick Perry’s job creation and employment statistics in taxes. Read the whole article for the details as to why the Federal stimulus saved him even as he criticized President Obama.

Jushua Holland

Standard and Poor’s Credit Rating

According to Politico on Thursday, August 11, four days after the rating was lowered, foe the first time, a Standard & Poor’s director said for the first time, “that one reason the United States lost its triple-A credit rating was that several lawmakers expressed skepticism about the serious consequences of a credit default — a position put forth by some Republicans.”

S&P senior director Joydeep Mukherji said, “the stability and effectiveness of American political institutions were undermined by the fact that “people in the political arena were even talking about a potential default.” Politico

Standard and Poor’s actual report.

Standard and Poor’s United States Credit Rating.

R.J. Intindola can be found on facebook



Congressional Recess and Adjournment

Very few people really understand the tactics republicans will utilize to stymie the Federal government and the president’s ability to govern.  Republicans are preventing the Congress from completely adjourning for the month of August in order to prevent the President from signing any bills or making recess appointments. Therefore, the president can not sign a bill that would fund the FAA and put thousands of people back to work or make any appointments. House leaders announced they would hold pro forma sessions through August, a procedural move that forced the Senate to follow suit. The Constitution specifies that for either chamber to take more than a three-days, the other chamber must give its approval.
The republicans are accomplishing this through meeting in what is termed pro-forma sessions every three days. In essence, this means Congress is still in session.  All Americans should be out raged at their continuing efforts to stymie the Federal government and President Obama from governing.

Ode To MY Dept Limit

In part, taken from an excerpt by Don Blevins on Facebook:

To my friends and family please take note of the following:

I have rejected raising my debt limit, and will default on my current debt and I am assured by the TeaParty Republicans in Congress that I will suffer no adverse effects. In
fact, I’m likely to enhance my revenues and entire financial condition. Small
businesses will be crying and fighting each other to give me a job. I may the
protection as small businesses storm my house.
Remember it is said that history repeats itself. I am reminded that Rome
burned while Nero played his fiddle. (Actually, republicans don’t know how to
play instruments or music; this is a democratic phenomenon)

One night I had a dream and morality, a sense of newfound ethics and a commitment to financial stability washed over me like a tsunami.  This was the same revelation that hit John Boehner who voted without question and with enthusiasm for the seven requests
by President Bush to increase the debt limit. I can see his logic now. Obama is
a Democrat and much worse, he’s black. (Well he used to be black before he
became the president; now he’s half white.)

Obama supports teachers, firefighters and other workers of
the middle class. Republicans could give a damn about the middle class, and
now I don’t care either. It’s easy not to care because I have signed a loyalty
oath to the Republican Party and consistently vote against my self- interests
and my own convictions.  They can screw me; I don’t really care.  I’m a proud Republican.
Those damn democrats fight with each other all the time and constantly have differing opinions.  There just like my family.

Finally, I can proudly walk around with my head raised.  Could I please have more Kool-Aid



Three Styles of Washington Democrats- Where Do You Fit, and What About the President?

by Andrew Markoff on Sunday, July 24, 2011 at 3:44am


You need to know about three styles of Democrats in the US Congress, and
you need to be aware that our President may or may not fit in where you
think he does amongst his Democratic colleagues in the Federal
government. Here’s a few things you need to know about the Democratic
Party and its players in Washington:


Being a Democrat most
certainly does not mean that you are on the left, and being on the left
these days does not necessarily mean that you’re a progressive. The
needle on the political gauge in the United States has been moved so far
to the right due to the success of billionaire funded right-wing media
machines and think tanks (The Heritage Foundation, for example,
which pretends to be academic in nature), as well as persistent and
unrelenting talking points that filter throughout every news and talk
broadcast in the country. Even the President has engaged in right-wing
talking points just this past week, including referring to “entitlement”
programs as a cause of national debt that need to be fundamentally


In Congress and amongst the Democrats, we have the New Democrat Coalition, to which Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz belongs, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to which her neighboring congresswoman in my district, Frederica Wilson, belongs. Then there are the dwindling “Blue Dog
Democrats, who coalesce around a “Republican-lite” (often none too
‘lite’) meme that had been fostered by Rahm Emmanuel and basically got
some Democrats elected from heavily Republican districts until the last
election. After the mid-term elections, many of them fell to either real
Republicans or to more progressive candidates as the right and the left
moved farther apart at the behest of the Tea Party movement.


The New Democrats
are aligned with the Clinton-esque “third way” style of politics, which
appeases big business in order to get campaign financing from Wall
Street so that some legislative benefits might eventually trickle down
to the rest of us. During the national health care debate a couple of
years ago, Bill Clinton announced that progressives in America should
“be willing to accept less than half a loaf.” Of course, you can guess
where the rest of the more-than-half of that loaf should go (yes, big
corporations). New Democrats are more likely to be pro-war, pro-insurance companies, pro Wall Street and pro-big banks. The New Democrat Coalition is far smaller than the  Congressional  Progressive Caucus,
yet it is far more powerful because  of our system of  campaign
financing from multi-national corporate  interests and the  super-rich.


The Congressional Progressive Caucus
is by far the largest coalition in Congress, and yet its members are
the most inconsistent as they struggle to appease their own campaign
financiers amongst the special interests. Sadly, the CPC is too often the weakest coalition despite having around 80-plus members inside of the Democratic Party’s “big tent.” CPC
members include Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, Frederica Wilson- as I had
mentioned, and Bernie Sanders, an Independent senator from Vermont who
is the only senator in the caucus.  Raúl Grijalva of Arizona and Keith
Ellison of Minnesota are its co-chairs.


Barack Obama had some time ago before being elected President referred to himself as more in the model of a “Blue Dog Democrat.” He had always been a “moderate” in the Senate, and in his book, “The Audacity of Hope,”
he was far less than audacious in many of his positions on both social
and economic issues. Despite being labeled “the most liberal politician
in the US Senate” by the Republicans- as Kerry had been when he had run
for President against George W. Bush- Obama could barely have been
legitimately labeled as a ‘liberal.’ Just a couple of weeks ago, John
Kerry stood with John McCain to announce their mutual support for
continued military intervention in Libya. There’s a couple of liberals
for ya, huh?


Rather than being any kind of political
radical, Barack Obama’s talent for inspiring and soaring rhetoric during
his campaign was all that had really set Obama apart from any of the
other moderate candidates, which included everyone in the ’08
presidential primary campaign other than Dennis Kucinich and Mike
Gravel. John Edwards had been the only candidate to continually talk
about the poor and the disintegrating middle class, but I don’t think
that he had truly been a liberal politician, either. He saved his
genuinely radical liberalism for his home life, and its destruction


We may see a more boldly progressive agenda from
President Obama should he be elected to a second term, but I believe
that a template of the Obama  administration has been to mimic the
success of Clinton’s “welfare  reform” by moving along from health care
reform to then “reforming” Social Security.  It is not the current
fiscal  crises that is instigating that effort, however. It has likely
been Obama’s  intention to reveal his plan to reform Social Security
during his second term. He seems to me to be  convinced that his own
version of the “Third Way” and his continuation  of its principles is
through fundamentally altering the Social Security program.


President may pursue appeasing both the right as well as those
Democrats he believes are convinced that the fundamental structures of
the Social Security program are causing the nation unnecessary fiscal
strain. The reality is that the failure to appropriately tax wealth and
to consistently fund the program as it had been designed upon its
implementation has been continually ignored. Nevertheless, President
Obama has a choice to pursue reforms via aggressively funding Social
Security or through dismantling its basic structure so that increasing
taxes and truly restricting raiding its funds for pork projects and war
can be avoided. We’ll see which, if any, approach he decides upon, but
conventional politics and President Obama’s template thus far lean
towards that latter option.


That latter approach would be a
profoundly flawed template for winning the middle and thus securing
further Democratic electoral successes, but I think  that Obama is a
true believer in that “third way” that Clinton’s administration had so
proudly brought into full fruition. President Obama has not as yet been
dissuaded from  pursuing what he perceives to be his version of
Clinton’s success in  appeasing corporate interests while duping
progressives and the middle  class. It certainly seems to me that he has
taken Clinton’s approach, however, to new and terrifying heights.


believe that the crux of the problem with Barack Obama  and his
administration is that he believes that the only way to get things done
is to continually attempt to work with the other side, to compromise on
major, structural fiscal dynamics in America, and to always give the
Republicans either a little or even a hell of a lot. Many of his
supporters insist that he has to, and that he wouldn’t have to otherwise
but for the disasters wrought by the previous administration and its
Wall Street cronies. I think, however, that he and those in his
administration think that they’re just very smart and very clever- and
that true progressives like myself are just totally  unrealistic.


he doesn’t seem to get until perhaps right now- as “debt ceiling” talks
have completely broken down- is that even if  he gives them everything
that they want, still nothing gets done. They are not  Republicans in
Congress today- they are extremists– purely venal extremists
cruising the men’s room stalls for billionaire hedge fund managers
seeking ‘special services’ from their Congressional lackeys. There are
female Republican lackeys for Wall Street and big business that are also
boldly strutting into that old boy’s room, including congresswoman
Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota, who persists with the fascistic “don’t
believe your lyin’ eyes” style of religious nuttiness in order to
distract her followers from any kind of nefarious, corporatist


Our campaign financing system is what is
leading this  nation to  give everything to the super rich, and the
Republicans are not becoming venal only as they feel is necessary in a
panic to fund their campaigns. They all seem to believe, as Eric Cantor
seems to me to exemplify and John Boehner has far more skillfully
practiced, that venality should be the acceptable norm in
American politics. Although I’m certain that they think far more highly
of themselves, a lot of these entrenched and powerful politicians in
Washington- mostly Republicans- would otherwise be used car salesmen in
their rural or suburban districts if they had been unable to trick their
voters with their outrageous hucksterism.


It isn’t simply
Wall Street’s largess or   billionaire industrialists that politicians
in Washington are clamoring after. It is also the latest breed of
billionaire hedge fund managers they are attempting to appease- a newer
and different strain  of  ignorance and greed. We have entered into an
era of political venality on steroids. Billionaire industrialists, heirs
to vast fortunes and hedge fund hucksters are a very few in America,
and yet they have politicians  as their  captives. The American people,
however, want leadership, not simply electoral successes… thus our
radical swings in elections. If you  take a steadfast position and you
are determined about it, you can bring people  along with your thinking-
eventually. The Republicans know this well, and they have the
financiers funding their think tanks and media machines now and over the
previous four decades to aid in that effort. The Democrats during that
same period have been pre-occupied with their little matter of having
peed in their pants.


Americans like toughness and
determination. American voters love a good and comical insult from one
political candidate to another. American voters too often vote for the
politician who is simply far better at verbally humiliating the other
guy. Obama’s politeness and gentlemanly nature have been greatly
appreciated across this land as a refreshing change from eight years of
George W. Bush, even in more reddish territories, but that only goes so
far. I don’t  believe that there will be any kind of deal on raising the
debt ceiling, for example. Obama  will have it lifted by executive
order, or we may experience something next month that very few living
Americans can even anticipate.


What we are seeing is the
implementation of a  plutocracy with less and less “trickle down” to
ordinary Americans, but  it will not ultimately succeed. Eventually,
there will be a global  effort to stop this creep of plutocratic
oligarchy, no matter how many  people are jailed in private prison
systems in America and how much access to  voting throughout the states
is suppressed. Eventually, there will be a way for the poor, the
working poor and other ordinary workers and the unemployed to thwart the
consolidation of wealth and power into the hands of the few, and a
successful effort to do so may begin outside of not only the United
States but outside of the first world nations as well. We’ve seen an
inkling of that in some Arab states, and even some protests in the UK
and in France have been far more vociferous that what may be expected in
America, where output from the entertainment industry is basically our
mother’s milk.


While I complain a lot about the radical
right, however, I just hate it when some people refer to the “far left”
and “extreme” positions from progressives. To  assert that we have in
America an “extreme” progressive left is  disturbingly absurd. We don’t
have movements and coalitions and lobbies  for some kind of shocking,
frightening and outrageous progressive  positions, unless you perceive
legal abortions instead of back-ally  abortions; a livable minimum wage;
worker protections; a right to  collective bargaining and unionization;
a viable social safety net;  universal health care; fair and reasonable
immigration reforms; a  significant reduction in the
military-industrial complex and continual  war; publicly financed and
limited political campaigns as well as a  right to same-sex marriage
equality as “extreme.”


We could certainly  refer to the efforts of the Koch Brothers and the US Chamber of  Commerce as “extreme,” as well as ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council,
which is  just now being exposed in mainstream media as an organization
that  creates “model legislation” on behalf of multi-national corporate
interests with the participation of Republican politicians, including
Nan Hayworth’s latest effort to ban the forced disclosure of outrageous
CEO salaries compared to those of ordinary workers). Bargaining with
corporate and plutocratic  extremists should be seen as disturbing, not
petitioning for the interests of ordinary workers and American families.
Instead, aggressively lobbying  for the rights and the political access
for ordinary Americans and for  the basic human rights for anyone who
stands within our borders, let  alone around the world is disparaged as
“extreme” and- in the words of a  Democratic congressional aide I spoke
with last week about peace  activists in my district- “nuts.”


financial powers who successfully lobby  to consolidate public money
into the private hands of the powerful and  eliminate regulations that
should protect a true concept of a “free  market” have become normalized
in America. People and politicians who are oriented to the “third way”
style of Democratic politics too often perceive such  financial
extremists as a normal consideration when implementing policy. Jobs,
labor, worker rights, ordinary Americans uninvolved with  the political
processes- those should be a perfectly normal  consideration in our
political debates. Instead, all we’re hearing about are the
extraordinary burdens that ordinary people are inflicting upon  the
oligarchs. Politicians like Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Allen West of
Florida refer to ordinary Americans, both employed and unemployed who
earn below the bracket that encompasses the federal income tax, as
“parasites.” That word references terminology espoused in the writings
and pronouncements of America’s great menace, the late Ayn Rand.


progress we’ve achieved by having Barack  Obama in the White House is
mainly a product of having a Democrat there  instead of a Republican.
That makes him neither a champion  nor a leader for progressive causes,
however. Skepticism and criticism are  healthy factors of our political
dynamics as long as they are based on  facts and not on propaganda and
the plutocratic agenda to deceive  ordinary voters. That said, here’s
some healthy skepticism for you: Barack Obama does not want what the
vast majority of  those who had voted for him want. The sad  fact of the
matter is that there is a concerted effort underway to  ensure that
those voters matter less and less. It is the financiers of  our
political system and its campaigns that truly matter, and for New  Democrats
and other “third way” political players in the party, along with far
worse political hacks both within the party and on the other side, big
financiers calling the shots seems just as it should be.


where do you fall in? If our President doesn’t appear to be aligned
with your style of politics and progressive leadership, that shouldn’t
mean that you won’t vote for him again should he be the Democratic
nominee in the next general election. Remember, even though the Congressional Progressive Caucus
is the largest amongst Washington legislators, and even though the vast
majority of Americans want investment and consideration for our basic
needs over the demands of the military industrial complex and other
multi-national corporate interests, the right-wing and the “third way”
style of Democrats are winning. We’ve got a long and complicated road
ahead of us to alter that.


Obama had spoken out against Citizens United,
the Supreme Court decision that had unleashed unlimited campaign
financing from corporate coffers, but  he is also enamored with that
style of cronyism and the big financiers, and I don’t think that  there
is anyone who had anticipated that other than perhaps a handful of
political analysts. Barack Obama has little more than zero interest in
changing the American  political dynamics and our system. That is what
has been so surprising about  him to most observers, both the political
experts and to the rest of us. Yes, he was always a “moderate” who
leaned towards being a “blue dog,” but his administration’s
appeasement to the financial sector and to other big business interests
despite some clearly criminal endeavors has been extraordinary.


things stand right now, what crumbs Obama has gradually offered us are
still a hell of a lot better than whatever the Republicans are offering.
Just know where you stand, and understand where the President stands,
and don’t fool yourself by believing that he’s entirely on your side or
that your side can otherwise triumph over our entrenched political
system. Let’s be realistic. You may believe in that “third way,” or you
may believe in true and consistent progress for ordinary Americans of
all ilks, or you may believe in fearfully coalescing amongst the old
guard (a la the mostly male white working class), but wherever
you stand, you need to know it. And where your representatives stand as
well as your President- you need to know that, too. Amongst Democrats in
Washington there’s the New Democrat Coalition, the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Blue Dogs.
Don’t fool yourself about where you fit in, and don’t let any of ’em-
including the President- fool you about where they fit, either.
