Apr 21, 2012
About Romney:
The Christian Science Monitor– How much do you know about Mitt Romney? A quiz.
nytimes- 8-27-2012- The Real Romney
Bain Capital:
2001 Massachusetts official document– 2001 document listing Romney as Bain Capital’s president)
Reuters-16-2012: Special report: Romney’s steel skeleton in the Bain closet
The Daily Beast- 7-13-2012- “Romney’s Got Nothing”- Romney demanded an apology from President Obama for making what he called “reckless” and “absurd” allegations about his record while repeating his insistence that he left Bain Capital in 1999 to run the Olympics.
Mother Jones-7-13-2012-Did Romney Make a False Statement on His Financial Disclosure?
Think Progress– 7-13-2012- “Romney Interview Directly Contradicts His Previous Statements About Bain Tenure”
Forbes- 7-14-2012 “Did Romney’s 2002 Bain Capital CEO Filing Violate The Exchange Act”?
New York Times– 7-14-2012- “No Bain, No Gain”
Up with Chris Hayes Msnbc-7-15-2012-Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was ‘legally’ CEO of Bain Capital until 2002
Bloomberg.com– 7-20-2012- Romney as Job Creator Clashes with Bain Record of Job Cuts
US News.com– 7-25-2012- Mitt Romney’s Certainties: Bain and Taxes – As he fumbles on Bain and taxes, Romney is in danger of letting Team Obama define him for voters
The Real Romney Record- No date: GST Steel: a “Profitable Failure” where “Every promise they made was broken.” GST Steel
Birther Issues:
Alternet- 8-24-2012– Dogwhistle or Primal Scream? Romney’s Racist Birther Comment
cbsnews– 8-24-2012- Romney birth certificate remark sets off firestorm
The Fact Checker-4-23– Romney claims on small business are determined to be untrue. Washington Post
Campaign Status:
CNN Politics-8-10-11- Is Romney’s campaign stalled?
cbsnews– 8-26-2012- Charlie Crist backs President Obama
Fact Checking:
ABC News– 8-7-2012- Welfare-Fact checking the Obama administrations position on welfare reform.To hear Mitt Romney tell it, President Obama wants to let lazy welfare recipients sit around collecting checks, with no strings attached. Another lie.
The Fact Checker-8-8- 2012- Welfare- Fact checking the Obama administrations position on welfare reform. Spin and counterspin in the welfare debate
Foreign Affairs:
ABC News Video-7-26-2012- British Prime Minister Jibes at Mitt Romney Over Olympic Remark
ABC News Video-7-26-2012 London Mayor Blasts Mitt Romney Over Olympic Comment
The Daily Beast– 7-27-2012- Mitt Romney’s London Gaffes Unite Divided Britons—Against Him
ABC News Video– 7-31-2012- Mitt Romney’s foreign tour is a disaster by his own hand
ABC News Video– 7-31 2012-Mitt Romney Spokesman: ‘Kiss My ***’
Forbes- 7-30-2012 Whiplash-Mitt Romney Lavishes Praise On Israel’s Socialist, Government Controlled HealthcareSystem
General Feeds–
Income Taxes:- see personal income taxes
Job creation- Employment:
CNN Money-10-1-2002- A brief history and background of Staples.
National Review-9-8-2011
New York Times-12-18-2011
Time Magazine-12-22-211- Mark Halperin interviews Romney on Bain Capital
ABC News-12-28-2011-Fired factory worker, Randy Johnson, tells his story about Bain Capital closing his plant. Viedo
USA Today-1-5-2012
Business Insider-1-6-2012
vtdigger.org-1-9-2012- partisan democratic-Randy Johnson speaks at Vermont Democratic Party meeting
The Fact Checker-1-10-2010- Mitt Romney and 100,000 Jobs: an untenable figure
The Daily Caller-1-16-2012
The American-1-19-2012- How many Jobs did Romney create at Bain?
Washington Post-2-7-2012
PolitiFact-4-6-2012-Romney campaign says women were hit hard by job loses under Obama- This assertion was determined to be mostly false. It further notes that many of the jobs lost for women were in the public sector in states controlled by republicans.
firstread-msnbc-4-11-2012-FACT CHECK: Romney’s women job loss claims paints incomplete picture-
Market Watch-4-23-2012-Q&A with Romney economics adviser Hubbard.
thehill.com– 7-16-2012-Opinion: Republicans jab Obama on jobs, but have no plan of their own
Mitt Romney Job Creation-Personal site, dedicated to providing information about Romney, ability to create jobs.
Lies-and Deception:
The Last Refuge 2-4-1012- Opinion Blog
PolitiFact-see PolitiFact-4-6-2012- job creation-
firstread-msnbc-see Job creation- firstread-4-11-2011-Romney tilts the facts again
New York Times-4-22-2012- Paul Krugman, examines Romney blaming Obama for a drywall plant closing that actually closed under George Bush. He refers to Romney as the amnesia candidate.
The Fact Checker-4-23-2012-Romney claims on small business are determined to be untrue. Washington Post
The Huffington Post-5-15-2012-“Mitt Romney debt speech ignores key facts.” What else is new?
The Fact Checker– 5-18-2012- “Mitt Romney’s claim that 100,000 auto jobs have been lost under Obama. This statement rated four Pinocchios as a total fabrication.
Huff Post Politics– 8-15-2012- Soledad O’Brien Fires Back At John Sununu Over Medicare (VIDEO)
Politifact.com– 8-15-2012- President Obama Says Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan “want to turn Medicare into a voucher system.”
Paul Ryan:
NewsMax- 8-11-2012- Conservatives Express Delight With Ryan Selection
HuffingtonPost– 8-11-2012-What the Ryan Selection Means
JSoline– 8-11-2012- State political leaders react to Ryan selection
CNNPolitics- 8-11-2012 From CNN Politics
Personal Income Taxes
Politicususa-7-16-2012-Mittens Impossible: Romney Bombs on Fox News
The Wall Street Journal– 7-16-2012-Romney Rejects Calls on Tax Returns
The New Yorker-7-16-2012-Why Won’t Romney Release More Tax Returns?
CNN Opinion- 7-18-2012- Why won’t Romney release more tax returns?
The Los Angeles Times-7-19-2012- Mitt Romney’s secrets are not all in his tax returns
Huff Post-7-24-2012-Romney May Have Paid No Federal Income Tax From 1999 to 2001
CNN Opinion– 8-9-2012- Did Romney enable a company’s abusive tax shelter?
Politicususa- 8-15-2012- Angry Ann Romney Announces They Shouldn’t Be Questioned About Finances
gawker.com– 8-23-2012- The Bain Files: Inside Mitt Romney’s Tax-Dodging Cayman Schemes
bloomberg.com– 8-27-2012- Romney Tax Returns Show Strategy for Moving Money to Kids
Vice President Selection– See Paul Ryan:
ABC News– 8-7-2012- Welfare-Fact checking the Obama administrations position on welfare reform.To hear Mitt Romney tell it, President Obama wants to let lazy welfare recipients sit around collecting checks, with no strings attached. Another lie.
The Fact Checker-8-8- 2012- Welfare- Fact checking the Obama administrations position on welfare reform. Spin and counterspin in the welfare debate- Rated four Pinocchios