
The things Ann Romney Says

5 Most Ridiculously Offensive Quotes From Ann



Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Mitt Romney. We have the most Mitt Romney links than any site on the Internet.Romney Links

Mitt Romney insults Great Britain

He just can’t learn to keep his mouth shut. And Republicans are actually going to vote for this person to become the president of United States. Mitt the nit wit

GOP has abandoned economic reality

According to 40 economists across the country, they state the GOP has abandoned economic reality. You can read the think progress article by clicking on the link.               think progress

Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein- Republican Tyranny

Under this heading, there will be a series of reports pertaining the current dysfunctional state of the United States government. a considerable portion of our writings, assumptions and conclusions are borne from from the writings of Thomas E Mann and Norman J Ornstein. They are the authors of the best-selling book, “It’s even worse than it looks.” Additionally, we searched the Internet to obtain other relevant data regarding the dysfunctionality of the government.We encourage you to purchase the book and to make comments. If you are interested in having an article on this or any other subject published on the site, please feel free to contact us.


If you have ever read the work of Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, you most likely understand they are two of the best nonpartisan political writers of our day. Dan Rather noted the following in a recent article published by the Huffington Post; “Both Ornstein and Mann, self-described independents, are well respected in their field and frequently sought out for their observations on politics and Congress. In their four decades watch-dogging D.C. politics, they’ve been critical to both sides of the political aisle, yet they have never been accused of being unfair.” Dan Rather

The Senate voted on a resolution to create an eighteen-member deficit reduction task force on January 26, 2010. Kent Conrad, a Democrat from North Dakota and Judd Gregg, a Republican from New Hampshire co-authored the resolution. John McCain cosponsored the bill and Mitch McConnell supported the resolution, making the following public statement a few months earlier.

We must address the issue of entitlement spending now before it is too late. As I have said many times before, the best way to address the crisis is the Conrad-Gregg proposal, which would provide an expedited pathway for fixing these profound long-term challenges. This plan would force us to get debt and spending under control. The administration has expressed a desire to take up entitlement reform, and given the debt that it’s budget would run up, the need to reform has never been greater. So I urge the administration to support the Conrad-Gregg proposal. This proposal is our best hope for addressing the out-of-control spending and debt levels that are threatening our nation’s fiscal future.

Then President Obama came out in support of the resolution. Although 53 senators supported the resolution, it died with a Republican filibuster. And you probably guessed it by now. The Republicans did not want to give the president any political notoriety and as a result, John McCain, and six other Republican cosponsors voted against the resolution. That’s correct, they killed the resolution that many Republicans cosponsored. Mann and Orenstein note that the bill was killed, “because  President  Barack Obama was for it.” (1)

More to come

1.Thomas E Mann and Norman J Ornstein; “It’s even worse than it looks.”

Republican Jobs Plan- Where- Not

Do the Republicans and Mitt Romney actually had a plan to create jobs?  Save for the Keystone pipe line and reducing taxes on the upper 2%, I cannot locate a plan.  The Keystone pipeline will create 10,000 jobs and we all know reducing taxes on wealthy will not increase jobs.  George Bush had the worst net job losses in more than 50 years using the technique.  Why are we buying into a jobs creating theory has not worked for 10 years?


Michael’s Auto Sales- Bad Company

Avoid buying a vehicle from this Hollywood Florida dealer.  Three and a half months ago my son purchased a used car from Michael’s Auto Sales in Hollywood Florida.  Besides the fact that the car needed new brakes and bearings within two weeks of purchase that they would not cover, they have succeeded in messing up my and my son’s credit history.  They took a Nissan truck in trade which carried a balance.  That balance was added on to the new financing and they were to pay off the  previous loan – which took them THREE MONTHS to do.  During that time, the previous loan company continued to draft payments from the bank account, creating overdrafts and bank charges.  Both my son and I called Michael’s regularly and kept getting the run-around; “didn’t have the finance company’s phone number”, “didn’t have a pay-off number”, “finance guy is on vacation”, etc., etc.  They have now finally sent a check to the finance company but it was about $200 less than the amount included on the new financing.  It included the accumulated interest over the three months but not the extra payment that was taken from the bank so we are still out the $465 payment plus bank charges, AND we are making payments on the new loan which is higher than it should be due to the incorrect payoff amount.  All this adds up to delinquencies reported by the bank and the finance company, a deficit in the bank account for an extra payment on a truck we don’t own and bank charges he can’t afford; all because Michael’s Auto Sales held on to the payoff money for three months.  This is, at the least, unethical and most certainly SHODDY business, bordering on illegal.

My son should have conducted an internet search on the performance of this company. He acknowledges that had he conducted a search, he would of never purchased a car from this company. We have included links to reviews on the company. You will be astounded at the negative  intensity.

Ripoff Report

Better Business Review– 30 + compliants

Google reviews

Complaints Board




The Book.

No Truth to Medicare Cuts-Another Republican Lie

By Harmon Maven Brody July 12,2012


When the REpublicans claim that Obamacare takes $500 billion from Medicare, they
intend to scare seniors into thinking their benefits are being cut. There is no truth to this whatsoever.

That $500 billion is a cut in payments made to providers for fraudulent and unneccessary charges. In actuality it is a cut in the cost of Medical care. Medicare annually receives more federal money each year. There is no cut.

The LIE is a blatant attempt to SCARE and FOOL seniors into thinking that the Obamas Affordable Care ACt will hurt them rather that help them which it does with free preventive care and additional services.

There are real sources for this information. It is not half truth or inuendo. Check it out yourselves.

Fact Checking the GOP debate: $500 billion in cuts to Medicare? Wash Post

Florida bill SJR 2 creates exemptions from the Affordable Care Act

Rick Scott; you remember him: the man who ripped off Medicare, Medicaid, and a federal employees medical program and whose company, Columbia/HCA was fined $1.7 billion. The US Justice Department called it the largest government fraud settlement case in the history of the United States.  Scott was the founder and CEO of the healthcare giant. In 1997, Scott resigned under pressure from the board while the FBI was investigating scrupulous billing practices of the company.

In accordance with lawsuits filed by the Justice Department, Scott and other company executives offered financial incentives to doctors for patient referrals, which is a violation of federal law. Ten different fraud charges were identified by the justice Department Department with the doctors payments being one of them. The company was also charged with fourteen felonies, most of which occurred under Scott’s supervision.

John Schilling, an accountant for Scott’s company testified in court that two separate sets of books were maintained. One to show federal auditors and the other for internal purposes. Schilling also notes the company routinely overcharged medicare. Further, Schilling said, “He (Scott ) was driven by financial greed.” Knowing most of the facts, the people of Florida still elected Scott as governor.

Scott wants to deny people medicare under the Health Care Act with the aid of Republican gislators such as Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff who voted the party line 100% of the time. Florida Gov., Rick Scott, with the help of Republican Legislatorsmay have the votes.  Especially legislators such as Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff,who has no interest in protecting Florida voters when it comes to healthcare. Bogdanoff helped sponsor a bill, (SJR 2 ) authorizing exemptions from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. What’s significant about this bill is the fact that it is designed to protect insurance companies and not the consumer. Is Mrs. Bogdanoff more  has interested in the well-being of her constituents or of private insurance companies? You can preview the bill by going here. Exemptions Bogdanoff is running against Maris Sachs for the Senate seat in district 34.

Sachs will protect the rights of seniors and children and insure they receive proper health care. Beware of Bogdanoff.


Meet the Glenn Beck of Hallandale Beach, Florida– Keith London

Even in a small city with little to offer elected officials in the way of pay and political power, brutal political tactics can be employed to win the seat of Mayor.

Will the voters be swayed by negative political attacks? Will more reasonable minds prevail?

One small city needs to look beyond the politician engaging in old-style political gamesmanship and focus on the city’s residents who just eat it all up: