
How to maintain a strong – informed and inclusive “Indivisible” Group



            How to maintain a strong–informed and inclusive “Indivisible” Group


We have visited nearly 200 indivisible groups and believe half need to improve how they communicate and the mechanism by which members are kept informed.

Let us first start by stating the best medium to maintain and grow a strong organization. If you have not already done so, you need to create a group page on Facebook.  Or find another social media outlets that permits consistent two-way communication that Facebook group pages allow. Many groups have created excellent websites that do not permit two-way communications within the group. Others, have created Facebook pages that do not permit communication for members or those who have liked the page. Even if you have created a page, convert it to a group at the earliest possible date.

The other thing that I personally find very obtrusive is the requirement to have all posts be approved prior to posting.  Evaluate membership upfront by creating a closed group. The indivisible movement is not necessarily centered on converting people from the other party and therefore only individuals interested in resisting the current political agenda should be brought and permitted to participate within the group. Once these have been screened by group administrators and moderators, I do not see a need to screen and approve all posts. Prior approval before posting negates the ability of members to engage in a conversation in the moment.  Aside from that, if you have been permitted membership in a group, it is simply irritating waiting to have a post approved. Be all inclusive.

Do not be a hog and only appoint one administrator. Some of the best pages have as many as six administrators, and several moderators that monitor the group throughout the day. Establish a chief administrator that gives each of the other administrators an area of concern or a specific task. Some of the best pages assign an administrator to track all of the votes by Senators and the Congressional district representative associated with the group. Below is a short list of the duties you can assign to an administrator or moderator.

To reiterate, keep the elegant websites, Twitter accounts and Facebook pages, but creating a Facebook group page is essential to reaching the groups highest potential possible.

  1. Post voting record of your federal representatives:
  2. Post voting record of state representatives.
  3. Post articles and relevant information on certain topics such as; Environmental Protection, employment, health care, infrastructure stimulus and taxes. Any one of the subjects can keep a group official busy.
  4. Some of the most informative and interesting groups also assign a person to setup and maintain statistical files. These are very informative if popular subjects are selected. A good example of this is a statistical display of the deficit or surplus for each president over the last 50 years. Another, is a statistical listing of the number of jobs created by each president over 50 years. These types of files also keep membership informed.

Lets Resist Trump- For he is “The Liar King.”

R.J. Intindola

Indivisible America-USA