
Republican states opt out of Medicaid


The anti-Medicaid, states that opted out as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision, are taking a page from Ayn Rand’s writings. She deplored charity and advocated selfishness. The link below is a more comprehensive explanation and analysis but we offer this brief overview.

Florida’s governor, Rick Scott opted out of the Medicaid expansion and will affect hundreds of thousands of people who are unable to receive healthcare. Sandra Pico, a Miami, Florida, resident who is the sole breadwinner of the family of three does not qualify because her $15,000 a year salary exceeds the $11,000 Medicaid eligibility requirements in the state of Florida. All of the states that are currently opted out of the Medicaid expansion have Republican governors and legislatures. Most of the states have different eligibility requirements for Medicaid but the lowest income requirements are, not surprisingly in states with Republican governors. For example, in Louisiana and Texas a family of three is  eligible if their annual income exceeds $5000.

Under the Obama plan, 7 million additional Americans would be eligible should the states participate in the program. According to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Ryan’s 2011 budget plan, an additional 14 to 27,000,000 Americans would become an eligible even after a repeal of the health care act. Republican hate. The Ayn Rand crowd. The Republicans are right; this is the most important election of our generation. What are you doing?

Republican Hate- Medicaid

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