
Reading- By Harmon Brody

AN YOU READ THIS? 50% of AMERICA CANNOT. Many were the children left behind from the Bush years when the $5 billion reading initiative he campaigned on never materialized. The promised plan guaranteed that each child would be able to read by 3d grade. It was all part of a fundamental plan to dumb down the Erica we have today. It is an America where 50% of the people, many of them registered voters who are students or are unemployed and also who are on public assistance do not exercise their right to vote. Its the legacy of the Bush administration.

What is really abhorrent as Chris Hayes of MSNBC reported SUNDAY is that most of those that wont vote, like Obama and reject Romney.

This week I asked a few high school grads and college students if they voted last Tuesday, they didn’t, didn’t care and their parents did not either. All of the Black youths did not know or care that Dr. King and many others died so they could vote. There is no excuse for a school system or parent who fails to teach these things, but it is in fact a culmination of dumbing down America.