
Things you should know–The Affordable Care Act

During the the first debate, Mitt Romney emphatically stated that 15 member Independent Payment Advisory Board, (IPAB) created under the affordable care act will determine what treatments patients receive. President Obama rightfully pointed out that the board was forbidden to make patient – Dr. decisions by law. This is simply another Romney lie. Romney alluded to the board on six separate occasions and on each one, his statements have been determined to be in accurate. The advocacy group, Health Care for America, referred to Romney’s statements as a, “boldface lie, and he knows it.”
Many nonpartisan writers, reporters and other groups have written in the last three months extensively about the Republican strategy. Their entire strategy is a ruse. Republicans hate Obama to such an extent they will vote for any candidate regardless of the issues. The Republican strategy is to confuse or attempt to confuse the remaining voters. And yes, many people actually believe his lies. For more on this issue you can refer to this link. thehill