
People die at the hand of Rick Scott

Rick Scott – His Record

Florida Governor- Rick Scott’s Record

If you pay much attention to Florida Gov., Rick Scott you probably know that the vast majority of his campaign promises have not been fulfilled. And according to various sources who study political issues, it is unlikely that most of his promises will not come to fruition.

According to the Tampa Bay times, 96% of the jobs Rick Scott promised have not been created. In a December, 2013 article, the Tampa Bay Times reported that, “The jobs outlook isn’t better in Tampa Bay, where Scott inked deals to create 7,251 jobs in exchange for $39 million in tax breaks. Jobs created to date: 462”. This is a sad commentary for those people who relied upon Scott’s promises.

Oddly, his current campaign literature and advertisements are littered with his excellent job creation record which at best, is deceitful. As a result of his efforts, few jobs in Florida have been created.

Tricky Ricky

Tricky Ricky

Fact Checking Scott

If you research the various fact checking organizations, the results indicate that Florida Gov. Rick Scott, does not tell the truth approximately 60% of the time. The only other Republican candidate that came close to the 60% figure was presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.  The question one could ask is how you respect someone who can’t tell the truth. Someone who is not honest with the very people they serve. On the other hand, his opponent, Charlie Crist, Scott’s opponent has been truthful slightly over 80% of the time. Furthermore, Gov. Scott has flip-flopped on various issues, including Medicaid expansion pertaining to the Affordable Care Act.

Scott on the Affordable Care Act

Prior to even taking office, Rick Scott constantly criticized the Affordable Care Act. When he had the authority to opt out of Medicaid expansion, Scott left 1.3 million Floridians without any medical coverage. He wrongfully stated it would cost the state nearly $26 billion over the next decade and was repeatedly called to task by various fact checking and research study organizations. He later admitted after being confronted with the facts, that the real number was only 5 billion over the same time frame. More than any other politician, he has been repeatedly called out for misstatements and utilizing incorrect statistics and other information.

The article published by Think Progress http://thinkprogress.org/health/2014/04/09/3424629/florida-medicaid-charlene dill/on April 9, 2014, presents a chilling story of the devastation created by Gov. Scott for not expanding Medicaid. I have culled a few of the more significant facts below taken from the article and other sources.

Florida has one of the highest number of people uninsured for medical coverage.

Nearly 1.3 million Floridians could not receive Medicaid because Gov. Rick Scott chose not to initially participate.

There are several documented cases of Florida residents dying because of Rick Scott’s decision. One case followed by the press, including the article noted above, by Think Progress involves Charlene Dill.  Dill, was a single mother of three and died in a stranger’s house trying to sell a vacuum cleaner. She had a documented heart condition for many years but was unable to receive regular medical care. With the creation of the Affordable Care Act, she hoped to receive regular treatments to stabilize her condition. She was caught in the vacuum when Gov. Rick Scott declined to accept the Medicaid expansion in the State of Florida. Her death could have been prevented had she received medical coverage under the law. Her family, friends and other people blame the governor for her death. She had three part-time jobs and barely made $9000 a year. Kathleen Voss Woolrich, Dill’s, best friend would use fundraising sites to help pay for her medication. But in the end, she used the same fundraising sites to pay for her funeral.

Until Rick Scott reversed his initial decision, approximately 300 people died each year for not having Medicaid coverage.  Until Scott changed his mind feeling the political pressure and the loss of support from hospitals and other constituents, approximately 600 people died in Florida needlessly for lack of Medicaid coverage.


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Rick Scott-Broken Jobs Promises

If you pay much attention to Florida Gov., Rick Scott you probably know that the vast majority of his campaign promises have not been fulfilled. And according to various sources who study political issues, it is unlikely that most of his promises will not come to fruition.

Tricky Ricky

Tricky Ricky

According to the Tampa Bay times, 96% of the jobs Rick Scott promised have not been created. In a December, 2013 article, the Tampa Bay Times reported that, “The jobs outlook isn’t better in Tampa Bay, where Scott inked deals to create 7,251 jobs in exchange for $39 million in tax breaks. Jobs created to date: 462”. This is a sad commentary for those people who relied upon Scott’s promises.

According to the Miami Herald, Rick Scott made 27 promises in Dade County to create 2733 jobs. To date, not one job was created through the effort of the Gov.’s program. See link Miami Herald link at the bottom of this section. The Miami Herald also notes that Rick Scott stakes his election and reelection on increasing jobs and that he has to this point failed to live up to his commitment.

Miami Hearld Link

Rick Scott- Embarrassment to Florida

Rick Scott hates Blacks, Seniors and now Latins. See This video. And don’t forget Republican robots, just line up and vote against  your own self interests.


Tricky Ricky

Tricky Ricky


Rick Scott: A History of Discrimination